E-Sim Wiki

There are four types of events in E-sim.

World war

In World war events two teams which each of them includes 28 countries fight against each other.
First world wars in E-sim were like normal battles and each round took 120 minutes long but lately the is shorten to 10 - 5 minutes for each round which admin inform citizens before world war starts.
Tournament Medal - if you deal at least 30 hits and win the tournament.
Medkit - if you deal at least 30 hits and win the tournament.
Achievements - It means that you will get all (1 medal and 1 medkit) if you win or nothing if you lose



First world wars in E-sim were like normal battles and each round took 120 minutes long but lately the is shorten to 10 - 5 minutes for each round which admin inform citizens before world war starts.

Team National Cup

In team national cup 8 teams participate which each of them includes 6 or 7 countries. LthvWBY

The biggest column represents the first tournaments within which half of the teams will lose, and half of the teams will win.  The losers create their own semi-final (left side of the diagram). The winners fight for higher places (right side of the diagram).  Losers in semi-final on the right side fight for the 3rd and 4th place and the losers on the left side fight for the 7th and 8th place.  The semi-final winners on the right side fight for the 1st and 2nd place. The semi-final winners on the left side fight for the 5th and 6th place.  The winners are represented by a solid line, the losers - by a dashed line. 


  • Team cup veteran

Deal top 30 hits or more in a team cup battle 

  • Team Cup Semi Final

Deal 30 hits or more in a semi final match 

  • Team Cup Final

Deal 30 hits or more in big final of a Team Cup 

  • Team Cup Winner

Deal 30 hits or more in big final of a Team Cup and win the match 

  • Team Cup Battle Hero

Deal top damage in a Team Cup match 

  • Team Cup Legend

Deal top 3 damage in a round on a Team Cup match 

  • Team Cup Hero

Deal top 10 damage in a round on a Team Cup match 



  • After each match you will get a tounament medal and medkit if you deal at least 30 hits and win the match.

Drops with 20% better parameters

  • Achievements (one for 1/4, 1/2 and finale match) 

Additional info:

All battles on the map are frozen for the time of this tournament. All countries take part in the event .


How it works:

There will be 5 rounds, each country play one match. Each country will play matches with 5 randomly selected enemies. Each round will take 5 minutes. Outcome of the tournament will be based on:

  1. Total matches won (primary) 
  1. Total rounds won 
  1. Total rounds lost 
  1. Total damage done (less important) 
National tournament results
First round matches

National tournament results

First round matches

National tournament results
First round matches


  • For every match won, you will get a medkit after the tournament is over, if you took part.  
  • After the tournament, you will get a tounament medal, if you deal at least 50 hits and win
  • New five achievements.   
  • First country will get 50EUR worth of advertisement  
  • Second country get 25EUR worth of advertisement,  
  • Third country get 10EUR advertisement! 

Tips & tactics

  • Winning each round is important! (even if you know, your country will lose current match, each won round still counts into your score) 
  • Organization will be the key to victory! There was a tournament on suna server - the winner was 5th country by population, second place was taken by 12th country. So plan your tactics wisely.

There will be 5-10 countries with all five matches won, so you really need to focus to win all your rounds

Sailor week

See here
