E-Sim Wiki

It is a process wherein one player gives items to new players for the donater to have additional Food limits. One should be fast enough because there are alot of people who wants to have additional limits everyday and theres only a few new players that are registering everyday. You can only motivate up to 5 times everyday(5 additional food limits), but you can motivate as much as you can as long as you dont use your accumulated food limits(no limit).

  • This can be found in Statistics > New citizen statistics

You need either 3x q1 Weapon, 2x q3 food, or 1x q3 Gift for you to be able to motivate and get 1 food limit. you should press that cupcake like button and then proceed to your choices...


Select the choice of item for motivation then press the motivate button. And if no one has raced you to it, you will immediately receive 1 additional food limit.
